We get people brands thought leaders speakers business leaders service professionals authors entrepreneurs executives
visible, credible and profitable through Aligned Messaging, Public Speaking and PR.

With clients recognized by...

Chances are, you’re here because you’re looking to:

Maybe it’s all of the above. And that’s exactly why WE’RE here.

You know you have the story, the life-changing experience, or expertise to help others, but don’t know where to begin. You think you don’t have the knowledge, don’t know the right people, or lack the right tools for success…
So you don’t take action.
What if we told you that you DO have the knowledge AND the determination (you wouldn’t be here otherwise) to get the visibility, credibility and profitability you deserve?

You just need three simple things to make it happen :

Masterful Messaging + Timesaving Toolbox + Superstar Strategy

That's where we come in. We support you with ALL THREE. Your story - the message you’re most passionate about sharing with the world - can change lives. And we’re here to help you do it.

There is no faster, more efficient way to get visible, credible and profitable than by showing up on the right stages with the right message. We partner with you on BOTH: strategy and content creation.  

And there are SO many stages waiting for you

Traditional Keynote Auditoriums Podcasts Publications Corporate Trainings Workshops Book Publishing Retreats Virtual Events Conferences Conventions Summits Panels Social Media and Blog Platforms YOUR CELL PHONE

Whether you’re looking to launch and grow your speaker brand, to have someone find you the opportunities each month or to create the assets you need every step of the way, we’re your team. And so excited to get started.

The magic happens in the transformation.

We witness these powerful transformations every single week.

Here’s a little secret: If your dreams don’t scare you, at least a little bit, you’re not dreaming big enough!

Join the success

Let’s work together.

Expand your network, showcase your expertise, and take your personal and professional brand to the next level.

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Our latest offering is here!

The Standing Ovation Society is our low cost, low risk, max value exclusive membership. Join to access speaking and media opportunities for folks ready to get VISIBLE in a big way! Low price for a limited time.